Students are entitled to be enrolled at the government school that is designated for the intake area within which the student’s home is situated and that the child is eligible to attend.
This policy has been developed in accordance with the NSW Department of Education ‘Enrolment of Students in Government Schools Summary and Consolidation of Policy 1997’
The school has set an enrolment number ceiling to cater for local demand and to seek to ensure that every eligible local student has a place for enrolment if he or she chooses to attend this school.
The boundary for enrolment of students into this school is all of the streets located within the Westlawn Public School zone area. You can determine your ‘in zone’ school by entering your address into the search facility on the School Finder website https://education.nsw.gov.au/school-finder
Documentation is required when making application to enrol at this school. This may include council rate notices, accounts for electricity, gas or water, telephone bills, lease documents or electoral enrolment confirmation.
Non-local enrolments will be accepted based on assessment against the criteria specified below and the availability of permanent classroom accommodation. A separate application form is required if parents seek non- local enrolment.
Enrolment Ceiling
Westlawn currently has twelve permanent classrooms. This qualifies our school to have an enrolment ceiling of 312 (based on Kindergarten - 20 students, year 1 - 22 students, year 2 – 24 students and years 3-6 - 30 students). We currently have 520 students enrolled in twenty classrooms eight of which are demountable buildings. The enrolment ceiling will be set by the number of buildings on site at any one time. The Westlawn Public School enrolment policy reflects the principles outlined in the NSW Department of School Education Policy ‘Enrolment of Students in Government Schools’ August 1997 (updated 18/07/2019).
Enrolment Buffer
A buffer has been determined for this school to accommodate local students arriving throughout the year. Places in the buffer cannot be offered to non-local students.
(a) The buffer for K-2 is two (2) places per class, the buffer for Years 3-6 is (1) place per class.
(b) Out of Zone Applications will be encouraged to return to their in-zone school to determine whether movement can be avoided.
(c) A waiting list will be established for non-local enrolments consistent with DET guidelines and will lapse after one year.
(d) Parents seeking a non-local enrolment of a sibling of a child already enrolled at the school will have priority over other non-local applicants.
No additional accommodation will be provided to cater for increased enrolments resulting from non-local placements.
Non-local enrolment
Where non-local placements exceed availability of positions, the school has established a placement panel to consider and make recommendations on all non-local enrolment applications. The panel will convene as required.
Applications for non-local enrolment into Kindergarten will be considered by the panel at the commencement of the school year.
A written application on the out of intake area application form must be completed addressing the following criteria.
Non-local enrolment criteria (Not in any order of priority)
• Medical reasons e.g., Access to specialist local medical services
• Disability e.g. Wheelchair access
• Compassionate (exceptional circumstances)
• Siblings already enrolled at the school
• Proximity and access to the school
• Safety and supervision of the student before and after school
• Recent changes in the local intake area boundaries
When parents are addressing the criteria it should be clear and concise and specifically prove the case for enrolment of the student, to the placement panel.
The panel will evaluate the application and make a recommendation to accept or reject the application based against the criteria.
Appropriate documentation relating to the criteria should be included as the placement panel will base their decision on this information. Applications are often rejected based on insufficient documentation and an inappropriate case.
• Oral or other submissions will not be accepted.
• Applications containing false or misleading information will be rejected.
Waiting Lists
Waiting lists may be established for non-local students. Waiting lists are current for one year.
Where a parent wishes to appeal against the decision of the placement panel, the appeal should be made in writing to the principal. The principal will seek to resolve the matter. If the matter cannot be resolved it will be referred to the Director, Educational Leadership for a determination.
The purpose of the appeal is to determine whether the stated criteria have been applied fairly.
Kindergarten Enrolments
Children may enrol in Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn five years of age on or before July 31st. Documentation including birth certificate or passport and immunisation certificate is required on enrolment. Parents who do not have their child immunised will be required to keep their child at home during an outbreak of a vaccine prevented disease.
Early entry to school for students who are intellectually gifted and talented will be offered. The school counsellor will conduct a comprehensive assessment process with input from the child’s parents.
Whilst it is the intention that the child be enrolled at the beginning of the year, parents who choose to enrol eligible children after the beginning of the school year may do so up to the end of term two.
The Principal will enrol in kindergarten, students on transfer and children reaching statutory age of six years old.
Refusal of Enrolment
The Principal may refuse enrolment of a student on the grounds of previously documented violent behaviour if there is evidence that the child has not learnt the appropriate skills to manage his/her behaviour.
Negotiated Part Time Attendance Plan
The Principal may need to implement a negotiated part time attendance plan to support a child’s transition into the school. It may allow time for support structures to be implemented for ease of transition. Supports may include physical, medical, social and emotional. A negotiated attendance plan must be agreed to by the Director, Educational Leadership before the plan is put in place.
Please read the information and Privacy Statement on this page before completing this form.
Section A- Student information Student’s family name__________________________________ Date of birth ___ /___ /___ Student’s given name ___________________________________ Male Female Student’s address ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Postcode ______________ Name of parent/carer ___________________________________ Phone contact numbers Work _______________________ Home ________________ Mobile ______________________ Student’s current school ________________________________________________ Grade that student is currently in (pre-school or K-6) ___________________________
Section B – Placement at your local government school The designated local school for your child is:
Please tick this box if you have another child enrolled at this school
Mandatory: Please note this section must be completed before consideration can be given to the enrolment of your child at Westlawn Public School I have discussed enrolment at my local school ______________________ Public School where I spoke to ____________________________ on the ___/___/___ and whose position at the school is □ Principal □ Deputy Principal □ Assistant Principal
I have also applied to enrol my child at the following non-local school:
Signature of parent/carer _________________________________ Date ___ /___ /___
The personal information provided on this form entitled is being collected for the purpose of coordinating potential enrolments applications in NSW Government Schools. It will be used by staff of the Department of Education for general student administration and communication and for other matters relating to the coordination of potential enrolment applications. The information provided on this form may be disclosed to other schools. While the provision of this information is voluntary, if you do not provide all or any of this information it may limit the Department's ability to promptly assist you in coordinating your child's future application for enrolment in a NSW government school. This information will be stored securely. You may access or correct any personal information provided by contacting the school.
Reasons for wishing to attend non-local school (Please tick appropriate box and address criteria below )
• Medical reasons
• Disability
• Compassionate
• Siblings already enrolled at the school
• Recent changes in the local intake area boundaries
• Proximity and access to the school
• Safety and supervision of the student before and after school
If necessary, you may attach additional information in support of your request